HSC Beanie


Attention! The production of each individual HSC 22 collection item will only start, after each item has reached a minimum amount of orders!

This item needs to be bought 50 times.

When placing your order, please have in mind that production of your items most likely only starts late January / early February.

As soon as your items are ready they will go out for delivery.

Lieferzeit: 3-7 Tage Bearbeitung + DHL Versandzeit




Die Nächte werden länger und die Haare trotzdem weniger? Da können wir Abhilfe schaffen! Ein gewärmter Kopf sorgt bekanntlich für warme Gedanken – unser Pixel-Style HSC XXII Beanie bringt dich sicher durch die kalte Jahreszeit.

The nights are getting longer but your hair doesn’t? We can help you out! As we all know, a heated head makes for warm thoughts – our pixel style HSC XXII Beanie will get you safely through the cold season.

55% Polyester

45 % Polyacryl

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