HSC Scarf


Attention! The production of each individual HSC 22 collection item will only start, after each item has reached a minimum amount of orders!

This item needs to be bought 50 times.

When placing your order, please have in mind that production of your items most likely only starts late January / early February.

As soon as your items are ready they will go out for delivery.

Lieferzeit: 3-7 Tage Bearbeitung + DHL Versandzeit




Trag deine Leidenschaft offen – um den Hals! Unser formschöner HSC XXII Schal hält dich nicht nur warm, sondern zeigt jedem in lässiger und angesagter Pixel-Optik, was für ein modischer StarCraft II- und HSC-Fan da vor ihnen steht!-

Wear your passion openly around your neck! Our stylish HSC XXII scarf not only keeps you warm but shows everyone what a fashionable StarCraft II and HSC fan is standing in front of them: You in a casual and hip pixel look!

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